Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church


Welcome to Bethany Evangelical
Lutheran Church

We exist to welcome people to Jesus Christ,
equip them with a faith that works in real life,
and send them into the world to serve in Jesus' name
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church
185 Church Street
P.O. Box 273
Central Bridge, NY 12035-0273
518-868-2868 (monitored daily)       

We welcome back Pastor Jeff Silvernail as our Transition Pastor!
For emergencies, contact him at 518-630-7995


Coin Jar
this quarter is for the   SchoWright Ambulance

Sunday School -  @ 9am   All Are Welcome!!

Confirmation Class -  @ 8am in the Parsonage

Bible Study - of the Apocrapha @ 10:30 am in the Side Room





Now on the 2nd Monday of each month
at the church

People in charge are Jeanne Hay, Donna Schuttig, Judy Warner, Luanne Manscheffer, & Sandy Deems

Call 518-868-2868 to arrange food pick up at other times. 

